So how does it help feed the world?

As i have previously stated , the Haber-bosch process is the manufacturing of ammonia.
There are three main types of fertilizer - Nitrogen , Potassium and Ammonia fertilizers .

As we farm the natural nutrients in the soil begin to decrease over time , it is with fertilizers that we are able to maintain the nutrients level in the soil for higher yield which would lead to lower food prices which in turn help feed the world .

Ammonia is important as it is the primary ingredient in fertilizers of which without modern agriculture high yields would not be made possible .

Before the amazing Haber process ammonia were available in limited quantities and could not be used to sustain the worlds growing population , thanks to the brilliant scientists Fitz Haber and Carl Bosch there would not be any way to produce ammonia in such larger quantities to be used as fertilizers

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